The cryo-lab storage container for the cells.
My next round of chemo begins June 4th and the next and final DLI is scheduled for June 12th, assuming I don't present with GVHD in the meantime. I spoke to the doctor today about the possibility of doing a second allogeneic stem cell transplant if the DLIs are unsuccessful, if we are able to keep my blasts low using Decitabine. He said he would think about it. It helps that I have so many siblings and matches readily available. I am beginning to realize I am a rarity at this point. The doctor said that relapse immediately after transplant usually has a very fast disease progression, thus the two month prognosis I was given. I think they are all surprised by where I'm at right now. I've never been the optomist so I am hesitant to get too emotionally involved in the fact that things seem to be going o.k. right now. I'm still very, very sick. I still require seemingly constant tranfusions...but I am alive. Nothing short of a miracle at this stage.
Thanks so much for all of your prayers.
I get to be first to say "PRAISE THE LORD!" This sounds like good news to me. We will keep you in our prayers!!
I have been thinking of you and I came by to say HI and give you are virtual hug.
Not surprised, Amy. Thy will be done. . . . . lots of love and kisses to the three of you, Papa & Meam.
Isn't God amazing! I am so happy for you and your family that the DLI #2(!!) went well today.
I am praying for your body does not experience any rejection and that your health remains good.
I continue to be amazed by your steadfast faith. I have been so blessed by your ministry. My husband and I keep you in our daily prayers.
God Bless you and your precious family,
Leigh Taylor
Dear Amy,
I am so glad the DLI went well today. You were held in prayer all day! We continue to pray for your Earthly healing as we know the ultimate healing is when we go home. May you rest in the confidence that Jesus loves you and that He is always good!
Love, Gina
Praying for you, that you will continue to do as well as you can. Remember, you are immortal until He decides to take you home.
I continue to hold you in prayer Amy. The Lord is taking care of you. His ways are so wonderful and always perfect. I'm so thankful for what He has done and is doing. Be blessed Amy.
Hi Amy!
I wanted to let you know that we are still praying for you everyday. So happy that DLI #2 is going well so far. We'll keep praying that it does what it needs to do!
Nobody knows what God has in store for your future, but in the meantime, I say be happy and live each to the fullest. It makes getting through the day easier and more fun. Yeah, yeah. Easy for me to say. But I've seen my husband go from not-so-optimistic to extreme positivity. His labs still show some chaos, but nobody would know it from seeing him.
God bless you and your family.
Amy, rest assured we all will continue praying for you.
Happi in IL
Still praying Sis!! Thank God for the continued reports and good news. God is truly in control and I thank Him and praise Him for what He is doing in your situation. Our church continues to pray for you!!
Amy, I am so glad things went well. I will continue to pray for you and as always...you encourage me greatly!
I come here to encourage you...but, I always leave encouraged and blessed by your words.
You are a special person!
I am still praying for you as the Lord brings you to mind each day and you are on my prayer list.
God IS in control.
In HIS love -
I noticed the word optimistic used in this post so I looked it up. The second definition is "the belief that good ultimately predominates over evil in the world".
NEVER forget that you are a cherished daughter of the Most High King. Never forget that He is ALL powerful, ALL knowing, and ALWAYS present in a time of need. Knowing who our Father is allows us to be optimistic!
We're praying...be encouraged...
Jeff Duncan
You ARE alive. Thank the Lord! I pray that you would continue to astound the doctors. God is good - and through Him ALL things are possible. Keep up the good fight!
Praise the Lord! I continue to pray for you..prepare your "field" for SHOWERS of BLESSINGS..expect them dear one...EXPECT a miracle because we are sure praying for the big one- remission!-Heather
God has indeed been kind to preserve your life, and we are continually amazed by your perspective on all of this! Still praying for you and your family!
I think about you so often, Amy. This is good news so far. I am still praying!
I am still praying for a miracle. I know they happen and it seems that you are a living one.
I keep up with you through your posts. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I'm glad to hear that things are going better than they were expecting two months ago. I'm still praying for a miracle! *wink* But even if that isn't God's ultimate plan, I pray the Lord will continue to give you all the grace and peace needed to face the days ahead.
Love you, dear! Sending you a cyber hug!
~ Amber
As always, we pray for you everyday....much love from Rachel Eldredge and family
i need to know if you had headeache when you had the DLI, my son done last week and always he had it
i hope you will be well
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