Thursday, September 10, 2009


So, I know many people are expecting me to say something today, and I can understand that. I'd be curious too if I were in your position; wondering how I'm getting on in life. I've been thinking about this day for the last couple of weeks and wondering how I would be affected and how I would remember Amy. Then, through a series of everyday events – watching movies, reading books, hanging out with Gary and my family, interacting with my sisters-in-law online and over the phone, and a couple of Bible verses that have stood out to me in recent weeks – I came to the realization that even though this day is the anniversary of Amy's death that's not how I want to remember this day. And while I miss Amy and so often wish that she were still part of my everyday life, I didn't want to make today about remembering her life either. I do that everyday in my interactions with Gary, my family and friends anyway. Amy comes up in conversation several times a day. She was a huge part of my life and always will be. What struck me though was something that has been at the forefront of my mind since Amy was first diagnosed: the frailty of life and how quickly things can change. It is with that base thought and the continued revelation of ideas over time (and the last few weeks in particular) that I decided I want to use the anniversary of Amy's death to remember, but to remember to take the time I so often forget to take and make sure that I let all those people I care about and mean something to me know how much I care and appreciate them in my life – even if I haven't had contact with them (you) for years.

So, it is with that in mind that I say thank you for what you mean to me and/or how you've influenced my life and/or how I can count on you.


Janice Phillips said... such an important lesson no matter our circumstances. Thanks for the reminder.

Oonie said...

A perfect tribute. Thank you for posting.

humble servant said...

When an update showed up in my bloglines account this morning from you, I was sort of confused. Your blog has long been one of no updates and while I have thought of you, Amy and Gary in the past, it's been a while since you were in the forefront of my mind and prayers. Coming off a three week period where our family has experienced the losses of a young friend (5 years old!), a friend's mother, and our own grandfather, I have these thoughts swirling around in my head every moment of the day. When I looked back and saw that your precious Amy departed this world two whole years ago, I was shocked - how could it have been that long ago?! I know for you, the ache is great and the memories still fresh and I wish for you peace and joy.

Thank you for sharing your and Amy's story and love with so many.

Many prayers for continued grace for you and Gary and the rest of your family.

Melissa Murphy said...

That was just... Perfect.

I still pray for you. So, so often.

Anonymous said...

We think of you often and hope things are going well for you and Gary. We will continue to lift you up in prayer.

Kent & Susan Egger

Anonymous said...

I have to echo Holly in that I've lost two special people recently (within a week of each other). AND, I 100% agree with how you handled this anniversary. I've been doing that more this past month, too, as it seems the only practical and useful way to remember the life and death of special people: Remember the people I still have and thank them for their ministry in my lie.

Thank you for being used as an instrument to all of us. You wouldn't have chosen this method of ministering to us, but God has perfectly chosen it for you. You're showing His grace in your life and giving Him glory. We'll remember your example when we're faced with hard times of our own.

Pamela said...

I'm glad you posted.
I've never unsubscribed from the feed -- and when I see your corner light up -- I think of her light.

Anonymous said...

Glad you posted. Know it was a day of special remembrance there and here. Hope you and Gary are doing well there.
Don - Lebanon

Anonymous said...

We hope that you are someday able to publish... and bring peace and understanding to more.

Bag Lady said...

I live with leukemia too, IV degree, was diagnosed on 2004, still alive. Sometimes I have difficult days, but I try find joy too.
Best wishes!!!

April said...

Still thinking of you Amy after all this time. Still returning here...Still looking at photos of her to be reminded that God is gracious and merciful and ... God.

Still thinking of you and Gary and praying that the Lord is blessing you immensely. Gary must be getting old enough now to ask questions...tell him for me that his mama was such a wonderful influence on so many of us that never had the honor to meet her.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

such a good post, gary. i am Livi's grandmother (Who's the cutest girl around blog) gigi. i still read your blog periodically, and it is good to see the "progress" we survivors make. my daughter last posted that she doesnt want us all to remember livi as our darling who lost her battle with leuemia, but how cute and unique she was. our lives have forever been changed of course. though we don't often "feel" god's has got us this far. the acceptance of him as a loving father who allowed this time in our lives, i am still praying for that, and know that we will never truly understand his will...but that will come in time also. g. allen

Jeff Ip said...

Thank you for this blog. I'm sorry that you lost Amy. I am too diagnosed with Leukemia AML. I am currently undergoing the first round of Chemo. It is interesting to read this blog. I am 22 years old male, an engineering student 4th year. I will win this battle with AML, to inspire those who has this illness. Thanks for the blog.

Heather said...

Wonderful tribute....I still think of you and pray for you. I never met Amy in person, but I know I will in heaven.

Neto_vicodin said...

I am taking vicodin and Lortab on prescription but I know it can have consequences if not used properly, so it is important to be well informed about all kinds of drugs we prescribe for health care, even more so today can take any cold and whether the weak, complĂ­cate other illnesses.

Betony said...

Amy you have been on my mind a lot the past few weeks. Missing you!

Anonymous said...

Brandon - I know it has been 3 years today since Amy went home to be with the Lord. I am thinking about you and Gary and praying for you. I hope you're both doing well there in Arizona. Take care.

Jackie Dennison

A said...

Praying for you and Gary today.

Atlanta Plastic Surgeon said...

Yes it is a hard journey and I know there would some friends who would mean rock support and therefore it is always well meaning to remember them and take some time out for them.

David Haas said...

I have a question about your blog. Please email me!

Anonymous said...

Very sad to hear about the loss of Amy